Is Your Facebook Profile at Risk?

PSA: Did you know that your Facebook profile might be at risk? If you didn’t, I want to show you what to watch out for and what you can do to prevent your Facebook account from being deactivated or deleted. 

First things first, don’t be the person that makes the mistake of only being present on one social platform. The biggest issue with not having an active account on multiple platforms is that you don’t own your account – the platform does – so there’s always that risk of someone hacking it or it getting shut down. Be smart about your online presence and make sure to have a plan B if plan A doesn’t work. So, what should you do if you are only building an online presence on one social media platform? Diversify your presence! Use a couple of different platforms and make sure that you are continuously updating and building your email list. 

Let’s get down to the knitty-gritty. Facebook is seriously cracking down on social selling profiles. Feedback from Facebook users suggests that people do not like going onto Facebook and feeling like they’re being sold to. If Facebook only sees you posting about your products and company, their consensus is that you are spamming and people don’t like that. It is actually against Facebook policy to sell on your personal profile. This is why we teach you about curiosity posts where we invite people to our messenger to continue discussion on your business and/or products. 

There are a lot of personal Facebook profiles that have people behind them selling health and wellness products and Facebook is heavily cracking down on health claims. For example, people don’t like seeing “weight loss” in a post or in the title so Facebook has adjusted their algorithm to not show those posts on other profiles. If you’re in the health and wellness industry, you’re going to need to get creative with your wording and advertise weight loss challenges or posts differently. 

If you’re not posting original content consistently and only posting salesy and spammy posts, Facebook detects that and flags your account for further evaluation. They’re also paying attention to your engagement with your friends and others posts. When utilizing your Facebook page, remember the law of reciprocity. The law of reciprocity in social media means that you need to give to others how you would expect them to give to you: comment on their posts, join their lives, share a graphic you love, just engage with them! If you are not utilizing the “social” part of social media then that could put you at risk. Use your profile to build your know-like-trust factor and always make sure you’re adding 80% value and 20% business. Let’s elevate this industry together and show up on social media with intention.

Watch my latest #getLIT training to make sure your Facebook profile is safe!

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