There is room for everyone at the table. I think you’ll be surprised how easy it is to slip into that scarcity mindset! 

As an entrepreneur, having an abundant mindset is key to being successful with your business.

Have you heard that collaboration is the new competition? You might have heard this around social media or even on a t-shirt. 

If we take a look at the history of marketing, it has been a very competitive environment from the start. Now, if we take a look at the environment surrounding marketing in today’s digital age, we will see that not only is there more than enough for everyone, but when you start to collaborate with others in your industry, it will INCREASE your value in the marketplace! 

When I started my business in 2017, I did not have a following or even an Instagram account. No one knew who I was. I started going Live on my page and incorporating this abundant mindset by interviewing and sharing others that I personally knew and that had found success in the online marketplace as an entrepreneur. How did interviewing others help me? It allowed me into their space, in front of their audiences when they shared my videos on their platform. This allowed me to grow my followers and exposure beyond my own platform. 

In this abundant mindset of collaboration instead of competition, I started interviewing others that were considered my competitors. 

Why would I want to collaborate with competitors? What happens if they start following them and stop following me? This is a common fear and mentality in entrepreneurs. 

Instead, try this – take the “best of the best” in your industry and share them with your audience. Not only will you be helping your audience’s lives improve, but you will also be adding value to yourself, and your brand AND increasing your visibility! Be the connector that provides the value that your audience needs.

BONUS TIP: Ask collaborating partners to share and pass along the interview and offer to support them. Offer to come to their community and add value to their network! You HAVE TO ask! Don’t rely on and wait for others to come to you!

I challenge you to take a look around your network and ask yourself “Who can I find that I would really like to work with?” Keep it simple!

Start by asking “Hey I would really love to work with you and support each other, you come to my group and I’ll come to yours.” 

If you found this helpful, make sure you come back for more next week. Share this with others that you want to help along with their mindset!

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