I had the pleasure to interview an amazing individual the other day, and I am still pinching myself that it happened. I literally self-proclaimed her the best marketer I have ever met. If you guys have watched me on social media, I get marketing. I understand all of that, but to see somebody just pave the way for us youngins here in the online space is super exciting. Who is this amazing woman, you ask? It is none other than Shanda Sumpter!
Someone introduced me to one of Shanda’s 5-day challenges last summer because I was looking to funnel hack her. I immediately had to know who this woman was. I needed someone who got marketing and sales. Her energy is just what I needed to get me where I am today. Her authenticity was just so infectious. Shanda has had people ask her to tone down her energy, but she isn’t going to let anyone put her in a box. The best thing she did for her soul and company was not apologize for being who she was. She is either going to be too much to people or even not enough.
Do you know that there is so much more to us? We tend to notice all the areas that we start pulling ourselves back because somebody tells us that we should be different. But it’s actually being yourself that creates this magnet of people wanting to be like us. So Shanda wants to be that role model to inspire people to be who they are to get to the next level.
Shanda has been in the coaching business for about 10 years, but she never planned to be an entrepreneur. She was very happy to be a part of a company. Now she has built something, and the salary is just too good to go back! Her advice is to not stop learning, and she believes there is integrity in that. Her integrity has been her biggest secret for her “accidental” entrepreneurship.
Four times Shanda just wanted to outsource success and for people to tell her how to speak, how to be, and what her message should be. We think it’s us being coachable, but it’s actually very passive, and takes longer to reach success this way. A better way would be to ask, “Who are you? How do you speak? And what part of your message do you feel grounded in right now?” Wherever you are in your business, Shanda always says to get coaching. She believes it’s absolutely insane to do it alone. With coaching, you go in-depth about everything you want to expand on. If you feel unclear, that means you need to take more action.
If you want to listen to my interview with Shanda, check out the latest Goal Digger Girl Podcast episode!

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