Today we’re going to talk about going pro with your social and becoming a brand influencer. There is some weight to saying I’m a brand influencer, and there is an absolutely different way to build your business when you understand the power of being an influencer. I know a lot of you got into entrepreneurship as a network marketer or direct seller, but this is totally different. If you’re in that space, we’re going to level up, we’re going to posture up! We’re going to get you to attract the right people that you want to work with.
How many of you like the idea of not being a glorified sales rep? You’re like, “Ugh, I feel a little bit icky.” Sometimes you feel like you don’t know how to sell more. You post your stuff and think maybe people will bite, but they just don’t. You are really trying, but don’t know what else to do. Instead, how does it sound to shift into being a brand influencer?
The Three P’s
It’s time to go over a game changing strategy, The Three P’s to Going Pro. There’s a book by Eric Worre called Go Pro: 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional. I got this book in 2011 because someone recommended it to me since I wanted to write my own book. I read the book and I remember going to my boss and saying, “I’m going pro.” He said, “Good,” reacting like he heard good news from my excitement, but I felt he truly didn’t understand what I meant. In my head, I was thinking, “I’m leveling up.” This is what go pro means. It means you become a professional and master at your craft. Going pro means you stop treating your business like a side hustle. You say to yourself, “I’m going to freaking crush it, mother hustler.”
So here are The Three P’s to Going Pro:
When I did these things, everything changed for me. When I first started, I was like you. I had one foot in the water and one foot out. I would work on my business a little bit. Stop, go, stop, go, get a little progress. Make good money, then lose it.
Let’s take a deeper look!
The first P is posture. This is how you represent yourself online. Posture is how you hold yourself. When you walk into a room, you notice the alpha dog who has the utmost confidence. We are drawn to these people who have posture. I have a little game I like to play in large groups where I notice no one is leading. I’ll just start walking. I decide at that moment what we are going to do. And people will follow. I could be walking them out into the street and they would just follow me. It’s the alpha dog posture. So what does this mean for your social media? Your social media needs to be on point. With all the free tools out there, make it happen. There are no excuses for janky Facebook covers on your personal profile. That to me hurts my heart because you say you want to show up, but then you’re not. I’m not drawn to incongruence, I’m drawn to the truth, to intention, to alignment.
Are you aligned with what you’re saying you want? If you want to crush it in 2022, you better get busy my friend. And the first way to do that is to posture up. I want to come to your social media and see you be a boss. You can be a boss in any area of your life, but you have to have posture. Have a great photo, fill out your bio, have a freebie, and a funnel. Invite me to your community. Your page should look sharp. If you’re still not sure, you better figure it out. Be coachable!
I wasn’t handed the information I know now. I learned it, and you can too. That’s the wonderful thing. Everything I’m teaching you is learnable. You can make a difference. You just have to get out of your own way.
The second P is purpose. What are you trying to accomplish with your social media and content? With your group? What is your intention here? Get clear on your purpose. When I come to your social media, I should know your purpose and target audience. Your bio, content, message, and voice should be crystal clear. What do people feel about you? If you’re not going live and you’re not teaching in some way, why not? There are no excuses.
The last P is presence. This is where we’re consistently showing up everywhere. When people are scrolling, they should see your post. When they see the stories at the top of their feed, they should see you. They see that you are on Instagram, then switch over to Facebook and see you are on Facebook. Be everywhere in order to be top of mind. Build a foundation that leads to an empire. That is how you are going to build a legacy. That is how we change lives and the world. It’s not going to happen overnight. It’s you posting on social media, knowing why you’re posting, and knowing who you’re serving. Get a clear picture, and stop telling yourself you can’t figure this out, because you can.
You got this, Goal Digger!
If you want to check out this blog in video format, watch my latest #getLIT training!
Learn more about becoming an influencer through Goal Digger University’s Influencer + Multiple Streams Workshop.

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