I don’t know about you, but I swear every time I open up my Facebook notifications I’ve been added to at least half a dozen Facebook groups. It’s crazy! However, building up the size of your Facebook group is essential to create community, interaction and engagement on the content you’re posting inside. Let me share my simple trick to add people without spamming them.
As long as I’ve had some type of interaction with my friends on Facebook, I will go ahead and add them to my Facebook group (when appropriate) and then send them this message via Facebook Messenger:
“Hey! I just added you to my private Facebook group [Insert Name] – do not feel obligated to stay in it but of course I’d appreciate the support. Thank you!”
Now what’s so incredible about this is that you let them off the hook if they’re not digging your group. That way if they stay in it, which most do, they’ve agreed to be a part of it and stay. Also, now they’ll know it’s your group when they see notifications going off. Otherwise they would have no idea!
Give this simple script a try and watch your group size explode!