We all have fears and obstacles that get in the way of what we really want out of life and business. I will share some valuable tips from Team Goal Digger Coach Vanette Grover on overcoming this uncertainty that keeps you from reaching all of your dreams personally and professionally!
The fears and obstacles in your life can get in the way of all those things you really want out of life and business. But it’s important to remember each and every one of you has a purpose in life. Vanette believes that your purpose was probably decided for you even before you were born. But we get to places in our life where we think, “I don’t know what my purpose is anymore.” Or you get started in a business, and it may be successful for a while, or it may struggle here and there. You then begin to question whether this is really what you are supposed to be doing and if this is your purpose. You start comparing yourself with everyone else. This starts all of the resistance of your fears and all of the obstacles that keep you from moving forward.
Stop with the negative self-talk.
We have all said it. “I’m not good enough, I’m not worthy, and I’m an imposture. I feel like a fraud. I am not smart enough. This isn’t going well. I am not smart enough.” STOP! Do you know how many people give up just before the breakthrough? Start reframing the negative self-talk with positive affirmations. Your brain has a filter. The particular activation system and whatever you focus on will naturally search out more. If you have all of this negative self-talk, how will you ever allow room for all the good stuff?
Go toward the fear.
Are you really fearful of failure, or are you afraid of the consequences of failure, of what might happen? Again, those are stories that we tell ourselves. Don’t let those stories stop you. Fear is natural. Fear is not fatal. One of the biggest lessons Vanette has learned is when she feels fearful about something, the sooner she breaks through that fear, that’s going to level her up. Go toward the fear. Everyone makes mistakes. There is such a thing as grace; you always have a second chance.
Fear of success.
When Vanette had her first huge momentous month where she made five figures in a month, she didn’t celebrate. Instead of being excited, she started questioning herself on how she could reach this again or how long she could stay there. When you create success, you create a new level of life. We need to celebrate it. What if next month you don’t hit that goal? You will start feeding into that negative mindset. Success ebbs and flows and is not reached in one fell swoop.
Aspire to be the perfect imperfection.
Perfection is impossible, folks. Being imperfect is the level of perfection you need to be striving for. That’s where the realness comes and what people can relate to. Just be your best you and not the people out there. Your purpose and your worth aren’t out there. They’re in you. Part of the journey is finding you, your purpose, and who you’re meant to serve by being YOU.
You got this, Goal Diggers!
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