Are you struggling with all the hats you have to wear personally and professionally? Then today’s blog is for YOU. We are going to go over how to get your life back on track with a Virtual Assistant. Most entrepreneurs are working way too much to the point where they are pulling their hair out. They are exhausted, overwhelmed, and they just can’t keep going.
Let’s stop the madness!
When I say Virtual Assistant, a couple of things are going to come to mind for you. First, you are going to think about the expense and tell yourself you are not making enough, so how can you hire staff? Or where do you start? When I first started, I didn’t know anything about virtual assistance at all, and thought if someone could help me out a little bit, it would change my life.
I was working full-time and had a 2.5 hour commute. I was on my own, and I didn’t hire Anna until about 6 months later. I said, “Hey, I need help with some stuff on the computer, social media, etc.” She was all in. I got pretty lucky with her as we developed her role, and she slowly figured things out, but it doesn’t happen like that for everyone. So let’s dive in and answer the questions, “What can you do to get a Virtual Assistant, and how do you train them?”
Shift your mindset.
When you invest in training and coaching, it is not an expense. It’s an investment. Start off with a Virtual Assistant part-time, and pick what you need. Do you need someone to keep you organized, create social content, or handle all the backend stuff? I have someone more like a personal assistant who helps out with the girls or runs errands. With your mindset, I want you to understand a Virtual Assistant is actually going to make you money.
Let’s say you can only put in 40 hours of work, you are going to be tapped out on time each week. This means you are going to either tap out your income, or work more and push yourself to the point of burn out. You could raise your prices potentially and bring in more money, but you will cap out at a certain point. As you grow your business, you will have more demands and responsibilities on your plate. Just bringing in a virtual assistant for 20 hours a week will help out a whole bunch. You can find some reasonable rates people offer and get what you pay for. It is worth it to sift and sort until you find the right person. Instead of you just working 40 hours a week now, there are 60 hours a week going out there for your business.
More help means more money.
Eventually, move that person to full time, and now the time has doubled. The beautiful thing about this is you don’t necessarily double your results. You will typically multiply your results because the person is doing things that you are not good at, things you put off, and what you just don’t enjoy doing. You now have time to spend in your zone of genius. When you enjoy yourself more, you do better. Also, when we are spending time on the things that we love, we naturally attract more good stuff into our lives.
You start off with that person part-time, but you’ll want to grow that person. You’re going to eventually multiply your revenue by ten, which is what Anna and I have experienced together, and be able to grow and bring on more staff continuously. Now all I do is create videos, coach in our programs, and work with our leadership. That’s it! I have worked less than I’ve ever worked in my whole life. Now I’m not sitting here just eating BonBons all day. I get in and do what I love. And then I have time off for my family because I’ve built this. I built my team. I invested in them. I took that leap of faith. Just like you’re going to need to take if you’ve never invested in a Virtual Assistant before.
So where do I find a Virtual Assistant?
So to get your Virtual Assistant, this is what I’m going to have you do. Come join our community, Goal Digger Assist, a community we built for people like you who need Virtual Assistants. This allows you to find your own, but we’ve already prescreened them. We qualified them. We found out what they can do, their skill sets, the rates that they charge, where they live, and their availability. All the things that you want and need to know.
Go into Goal Digger Assist, click the Facebook cover at the top. It’s going to say there’s a Trello board because, you know, we love Trello! On the Trello board, there’s a column with a profile picture of each Virtual Assistant available, all the things that they can do, and a way to contact them. So when you get into that community, you’ll have lifetime access. So you can find Virtual Assistants for anything that you can think of. It’s great because it’s an intimate community, and we have people in there from all walks of life. So no matter what your skills are or what you’re looking for, it’s really great to be able to find others that can fulfill a need that you have.
The best decision I ever made was to bring on Anna in my business, and we’ve been able to grow because of that!
It’s time to start hiring, Goal Diggers!
If you want to check out this blog in video format, watch my latest #getLIT training!

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