Making big decisions can be quite a daunting task! I’m going to share some wisdom with you that really helped me make big decisions in my life. It is all about how to make decisions based on faith and not fear. What a lot of people don’t realize is there’s always this underlying thing going on whenever we’re making decisions, and it’s actually subconscious. So most of the thoughts that you have are below the surface. We think that we are using our rational brain and weighing the pros and cons, but often why we hold back from making decisions is because we are afraid and have limiting beliefs. There is self-sabotage in play. Sometimes it manifests as procrastination or paralysis analysis.
When all this is happening, it can cause us to be dead in the water and not make decisions in our businesses.
Successful people make decisions really fast.
I heard this from a coach one time, and it really stuck with me. There are so many decisions that you’re making on a daily basis. Successful people understand that money loves speed. It’s not about being impulsive. It’s about being in tune with what is the right next step. Trust yourself and your inner voice.
I trust that God is speaking to me and giving me the guidance, discernment, and direction that I need to grow and prosper. I know that I am here to be the hands and feet of God, and that no matter what happens, He has my back. Whenever I’m making a decision, I ask myself, “Am I making this decision out of fear or faith?”
When you are making decisions, I want to encourage you to be really honest with yourself. We are all just doing the best that we can, but I will tell you this: it is better to make a decision than to sit in paralysis analysis. The amount of time you spend mapping out every possible outcome, you could spend building an empire. The self-doubt is not serving you. It’s not helping anyone. You got to get in your own face a little bit sometimes, and be tough with yourself. You have to remember, you’re in this to change your family tree, change other people’s lives. It’s not helping anyone if you’re getting stuck in overwhelm and you’re doubting yourself.
Recognize limiting beliefs.
We have beliefs that we carry with us from when we’re little kids, into adulthood. Those beliefs dictate our thoughts, which dictate our actions. Over time, those actions develop our character. So right now, if you have been out of the habit of being consistent on social media, not following up with people, or being organized, get back to the root of it. Why are you procrastinating?
Why are you not doing what you said you were going to do? I remember when I first started out,
I had such a struggle with this internal dialogue of not prospecting, because I was told to reach out to people every single day, and I kept pushing it off to the next day. Friday would come and I didn’t even do any prospecting that week. And this happened over and over again. The reason why is because it didn’t feel good to me energetically, and I was stuck. I had these limiting beliefs around myself and my ability to get out there to help other people. Once I started working on myself, my self-confidence, and the value that I have to offer, I started telling myself a new story. I dug into those beliefs, unpacking and reframing them to reprogram my subconscious mind – it wasn’t until then that everything changed for me.
I encourage you to make decisions based on faith and not fear. When we make decisions based on faith, we’re always taken care of, because the net always appears. When we make decisions based on fear, we get stuck – we feel overwhelmed and we have regret. Choose faith over fear.
You got this, Goal Diggers!
If you want to check out this blog in video format, watch my latest #getLIT training!

Learn more about breaking through limiting beliefs with Rock Your Mindset Bootcamp.
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