I couldn’t be more excited to share that I had a chance to interview Jessica Higdon today. Just to brag on her a little bit, Jessica Higdon is somebody who I like to refer to as a mompreneur mogul. And I was looking at the definition of the meaning of the word mogul. It’s traditionally used in Hollywood and big business, but the word mogul is somebody who has done something tremendous to me. Somebody who has just really stood out in her industry space and led the way for others.
In 2017, I was trying to do the in-person way to build my network marketing business. I was working full time, Scott was traveling, and it just wasn’t working out. I almost quit. Then I prayed to God to please show me how to do this business. The next day I went to YouTube and searched for how to build a network marketing business online. Lo and behold, Jessica Higdon popped up in a webinar, and she was teaching how you could do it. That was the silver lining I needed. Here is a short version of our interview!
I know we’ve met each other a couple of times, and I don’t know if I’ve ever told you that’s how I actually found you. I think I needed to see that you were a mom – you were successful as a mom and a business owner. My struggle is I’m a workaholic. So how can I balance it all? And when I saw you, I had a blueprint. So without further ado, pretty much everyone on here knows you because I talk about you all the time. But for maybe one or two people listening today that may not know you, tell us a little bit about you and your background. Because I’m always fascinated by your story, and I’d love to bring everyone up to speed.
When I was 21, I had just graduated with a marketing degree. I went into a makeup business where I was doing weddings on the weekend full-time and booked solid. Before that, I was working at a makeup counter full-time time Monday through Friday, while I was finishing up my degree.
So I had about 90 to 100 hours a week of my time that was already committed. To say I was busy was an understatement. Now being a mom, I know what busy truly means. So, I was busy, and I went to interview at a bunch of different marketing companies and they were offering me the lowest of the low end. And I was okay with that, but they said, if you work really hard for 10 years, maybe you could get a raise and rise up to that next promotion. I thought there were so many other opportunities that I could do within a 10-year timeframe. So I started looking around, and a friend had presented me with network marketing.
I was just this college kid who was coming out ready to take on the world. The business model to me made perfect sense. So I brought it home to my dad and he was totally against it. It took me about a week, but I could not get the idea of building this business out of my head. I think when you know what you’re meant to do, it just kind of hits you like, like a ton of bricks. So I just did it anyway.
I just went with my gut and I really thought this was going to work out. Long story short, for the first 6 months, I didn’t sign up a single person. I was talking to everybody. I was talking to parents and broke college kids, but everybody was saying, “Oh Jess, you’re so cute. You built a business that is so sweet.” Which is not what you want to hear. I saw others doing sales on social media and thought that was interesting. So I turned to Facebook and started learning more about that. And when I learned a simple system and started doing some different prospecting and social media techniques, I got my first person.
Then I got my second, then my third, and I ended up having my first $10,000 month. I wanted to become the number one female income earner in that company by age 23. 13-14 years ago, social media was completely blacklisted because nobody was doing it. Everyone was wondering what was happening. So I started doing free trainings around it and sharing with people how I built the business. My husband at the time was doing YouTube videos, and people were like, “What are these? What is this couple doing?” It started catapulting into a training company that grew very fast. We hit Inc 5,000. We hit million dollar earners within our company and outside of it, and then got to eight figures. It’s just been an amazing ride. I still pinch myself seeing it, hearing it, and saying it. But it’s been an incredible journey.
And I think COVID for everyone really brought out different aspects of where we want to be in life and really put into perspective different things. I’ve always had a passion for real estate. I’ve always loved it, and just kind of put it on the back burner. So most recently, I got my license, and we’ll see where it goes from there. I’m just a big believer in following your gut, following your passion, and doing what you feel you’re put on this earth to do.
You guys were doing stuff no one else was doing. People didn’t understand that you led with value and then you sold later. You guys were pioneers in that.
If you want to hear more of our conversation, check out the latest #getLIT training!

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