Mumble Marketing: Learn to Sell without Selling

Do you know how to sell without selling? This could be the key thing you are missing in your business. Being too spammy through messaging, your stories or posts can turn people away because they feel your business is being thrown at them. 

Mumble marketing is the way to go on how to sell without selling. 

This has been something I have done since day one. I didn’t even realize I was doing it until I started teaching people how to plug their products, services, and business opportunities in a way that was not spammy or salesy. It really got people engaging and raising their hands. 

Mumble marketing is all about building around what you want to sell without selling and dropping it in, which comes naturally. Your audience, clients, potential customers, etc., will feel really good about what you are sharing with them. If you follow me at all, I bet that you enjoy the content that I share. Think about the offers I’ve made, whether or not you’ve taken that next step to be in our coaching programs or buy a course from me. You enjoy the process. I am giving an exchange of value where it is exciting to jump in and get started. You probably didn’t even think I was trying to sell you something. I am here to be a resource, and I am offering those resources. 

What is Mumble Marketing? 

Mumble Marketing is where you mention something without directly saying it. For example, you know how many times I brag about my students. I have this fantastic student Lacey Crib. She came to us in our Ignited Life Coaching Program because she was having tons of success in the corporate world but wanted to build her own thing. Lacey came into Ignited Life Coaching from scratch. She didn’t have an audience, and she didn’t know what she was going to do. She was very coachable, showed up for everything, and just blew through the content in the back office. Lacey went on to have 2 five-figure launches back to back. So I asked her if I could share her experience online and that she was walking away from corporate. She said yes, so I went straight to my socials and shared that I was so excited for Lacy and her accomplishments and gave a call to action to connect with her. I also posted that if anyone wanted to find out more about how we could take their idea and execute it to engage in the comments so we could connect.

What I was doing was talking about Lacey and her success, and that was it! From those posts, did I say she was a student? Yes. Did I say she was in Ignited Life Coaching? Yes. Everyone now knows this person worked with Kimberly that didn’t have anything going and out of thin air was able to create an income to the point where she was able to leave her corporate job. This gets people’s wheels turning!

Don’t be too direct.

I see coaches all the time blasting their socials with limited availability for their programs, but that is just whatever the coach is doing and not what the people want. They don’t want to be sold when they come to social media, especially Facebook. They come to connect, engage, feel inspired, entertained, and maybe educated. They’re not coming to buy things, so when you’re selling something, it can’t be too direct.

All I am doing is sharing what is happening in my life, business, etc. I am constantly learning, so I am sharing that with the world. You do not need to be an expert. You just need to be a real person who’s sharing what works for them and others. So I challenge you to share your experiences, knowledge, stories and give a call to action for people to come to you. It’s that simple. I want you to really be conscious of how you’re sharing what you have to offer, so you can implement Mumble Marketing to see how it can work for you. 

Go give it a go, Goal Diggers!

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