Who’s READY for the new year?
Today we’re going to talk about my biggest 2021 takeaways for massive success in the new year. If you want a breakthrough in your business or mindset, or a break in your bank account, this is the right blog post for you!
These takeaways are what will allow you to reach new heights in 2022. We did 1.1 million last year, and we’re already past 2.2 million this year. We’ll finish up at about 2.4 million, maybe 2.5 million. We’ll see! But that’s another huge leap we’ve made. There are specific things that I’ve done in our company, there’s specific things we’ve done as a team. There are specific things we’ve done with the brand online. It hasn’t been accidental. We’ve been very intentional about the decisions that we’ve made and the way that we’re showing up. I just wanted to take some time to pass along some nuggets of wisdom as I’ve been reflecting on what has gone well and what we can do better.
Takeaway #1
This next year, content is queen and social media is the gasoline to set it on fire. We’ve got our content, but we need social media to blow that content up. We need social media to set it on fire. We need social media to get in front of other people. Those that produce a lot of content are going to win next year. I want to encourage you to dial up the content production. And I want you to sit down and plan it out. Where are you putting content out? Is it your Reels? Is it TikTok? There has to be some intention behind it, some plan behind it. And a lot of people aren’t doing that. They’re just winging it. If you think about traditional businesses, do you think that Nike just winged it? No, they sat down and planned out how to build a brand. This is how we’re going to have a reputation of being the best.
If the doubt creeps in and you start telling yourself, “I’m not organized enough,” or, “I’ve got so much going on,” It’s just limiting beliefs. You’re telling yourself that you are holding yourself back. And I’m here to ask you the tough questions. “Do you want to stay where you are? Or do you want to level up? Are you ready to blow your business up? What are you waiting for?” People need you. They need your message, they need your story, they need your content.
Takeaway #2
Focus a thousand percent on serving where you’re offering value, and not selling. I want you to focus on the quality after you get the quantity up. When you stop worrying about your money, your commission, your rank advancement, your followers, and literally put your head down and say, “Alright, I’m going to trust the process. I’m going to trust. I’m just going to serve every day. Unapologetically,” that’s when you’ll really start making sales. Look for ways to serve others. So, when you see a gap in the market, you see a need, you fill it. You create the thing, make the checklist, make the Trello, make the workbook, make it, get it done.
We’re going to control what we can control, which is us. We can control our mindset, our activity, and our intention in the way that we’re interacting with others. We’re loving people, mentoring them, and being that positive light in their lives. Don’t go around being negative. The bulk of your content needs to be the light. The bulk of your content needs to be valuable. People come to social media to connect, to be inspired, to engage with others, to be educated, and to be empowered.
Takeaway #3
Those that are going to have success are the ones that are standing out on social media with a personal brand. More and more people are coming onto social media, more and more people are starting side hustles, and more and more people are competing with you. There are more people who do exactly what I do than there were four years ago. There are way more people to teach now, but how have we broken away from the pack? How have we been able to explode the brand and grow our visibility? We reach over a million people a month, how? Because the representation that myself and my team creates of The Gold Digger Girl brand on social media. We stand out. Our branding is on point. People know it, they see it, they understand it. They know what it’s all about.
You have to be yourself, but what is yourself? You have to find yourself. If you don’t know who you are, then how are other people going to know what to expect from you? And they’re always naturally asking, “What can you do for me? What do you offer? How do I engage with you? What does that look like?” So, when you get clear on that, of who you are, who you serve, what you offer, everything changes, you really do start to stand out on social media. Having a strong, personal brand is more important than ever before.
The quantity of your content, serving others through that content, and standing out on social media with a personal brand, will make you unstoppable this next year.
You got this, Goal Digger!
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