Welcome to 2022! As the Goal Digger Girl, I am ALL about goals. This time of year involves setting goals and getting clarity. I’m going to #getlit today with some sales tips, because without sales, we don’t have income. This is the area that people struggle in. You have the intention and desire, but do you know how to close more sales?
Let’s talk about success strategies for closing more sales. You have the skills, the strategies, and the accountability to get the results that you want in your business. I’m going to give you five success strategies that have allowed me to build millions in my business and be able to be a top recruiter in my company globally.
#1: I want you to start focusing on serving and not selling.
What I mean by this is stop trying to close people. I can’t tell you how many times someone will come into our programs, and are new to the way that we teach. They don’t understand how they are going to actually sell anything. It’s all because they are missing the mark. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it’s just going to get more and more difficult with engagement, the algorithm, and ads that you’re competing with. You want to serve! If you serve the most, you will sell the most.
#2: You need to be a mentor in Messenger.
You want to constantly be looking for opportunities to mentor others. If you’re in a Facebook group with somebody else, and they’re commenting on a post that they really struggle with X, Y, Z, go Google it or watch a YouTube video. Maybe you have a free resource. A lot of you don’t have the resources, so use someone else’s resource. You better believe if I was trying to lose weight, and someone sent me a list of ten smoothies that have five ingredients or less, I would be so appreciative!
Now you might think, “How does this help me close more sales?” When a person needs something, whether it’s a supplement, clean living products, clothing, makeup, or coaching, you are going to be the first person that they think of. I don’t reach out to people. I haven’t sent a cold message in four years. The reason why I enroll so many people is that I serve and offer value to help people.
I watch people’s Facebook lives, give them feedback on things, look at their freebies, and look at screenshots for them. I unapologetically serve. I’m not trying to get them to join my team. I just want to make their lives better. By doing that, I’m the first person that they think of when they’re ready to make a change.
#3: Uncover pain points.
We always want to get permission before we send a link. Write this down! There were some people that were sending all these messages saying, “Hey, I put you in this Facebook group. We’ve got a link to a free workshop.” If you are doing this, stop right now! You’re going to hurt your group. Your group might get deleted by Facebook. If too many people report that they’re being added without permission, or they decline, that hurts your group. You can get in a Facebook group jail!
Remember back in the day when you would go to the mall and they would have those kiosks. It would be the perfume lady or the cell phone person. And how did it feel when they tried to sell you something? They are trying to spray it on you or ask you what service you use, right? You didn’t like that feeling of someone putting something on you or forcing it on you, so you just tried to walk by. That’s what you’re doing when you send a link without permission.
This is the thing, just sending links everywhere does nothing. It’s not intentional. It’s telling the universe, you don’t know what the heck you’re doing and you really actually don’t care. You’re just posting and praying. But if you actually care about that person, there’s going to be certain people you should send the link to. And there are certain people that you shouldn’t. How do you know? You need to uncover the pain point. If you don’t know for sure that what you do is a solution for that person, their problems, or whatever it may be, then you shouldn’t be sending those links out.
#4: Marry the process and divorce the results.
What this means is you need patience. There was this girl who was messaging me over break. And she was saying she’s been posting every day and has been wondering where her money is. I’m not the Universe ATM machine that can tell you exactly when you’re going to get the traction that you need. But I can tell you you’re being impatient. How many people do you know who have massive success and you’ve actually asked them, “How long did it take you to finally break through?” Until 2011, it was just always on the side, but it wasn’t until the end of 2017 that I finally figured it out and took off. And then within 90 days, I was at six figures. We just passed 4 million in revenue. Do you think I care that it took me that long to figure it out?
I mean, people go to school forever, right? And they don’t make that kind of money. Slow down. Be patient. Get in a coaching program and be accountable. You have to slow down to speed up. I’m serious. It takes at least a minimum of a hardcore, head down 90 days of money-making activities to see results. Stop asking where your money is! There is no specific time. Everybody’s time is different. I can tell you this right now, if you quit or give up, you’re not going to make any money. If you keep going, eventually you will get there.
Do you have a daily activity? Something that you follow every single day in your business? I’ve been doing the same one for four years. Of course, tweaking it as we’ve grown. My role has shifted, but for my network marketing business, the way I show up on social media and connect with potential students in our programs, that’s all the same. I marry the process and let go of the results. You can’t control the results. You can’t make somebody say yes.
#5: Be organized with a real follow-up system.
If you are 1000% committed to being organized this year, start with your business. When you are all over the place, this is how you’re treating your business. You’re going to get those all over the place results. You’re not going to get consistency or momentum, or grow.
Inside our programs we have tools for organization. We use Trello. I used to do a spreadsheet when I first started, or you can use some kind of software such as GroupTrack. Using these tools will help with your follow-up system. It will help you be consistent and allow you to serve. Follow up with people and stay in front of them, you will have sales success when you stay top of mind.
Keep going and trust the process. I have a million dollar team and I’m in the top half percent in my company globally. I’m actively in the trenches each day. So these strategies are not from five years ago that don’t work anymore. It’s time to stick your nose to the grind and hustle!
You got this, Goal Diggers!
If you want to check out this blog in video format, watch my latest #getLIT training!

Know where to start and how to put your business plan in place through the Business Planning Workshop.
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