Top Tools for Massive Duplication
Let’s talk about the top tools for massive duplication. This is the name of the game! If you are not duplicating, you are going to burn yourself out. But most importantly, you’re going to scare away all the people who could run a business, or currently are running a business. They’re looking for tools of […]
3 Ways to Recruit Customers in Network Marketing
If you’re not a strong recruiter, or you’re looking to step up your recruiting game through a very simple process, I have some news for you! You can learn the importance of focusing on the customer while growing your team. Today we’re going to talk about three ways to recruit customers in network marketing. This […]
The 5 Step Strategy to Reviving Your Facebook Group Like a BOSS
As somebody who has grown her Facebook groups to over 50,000 members organically, I have a 5 step strategy to revive your Facebook groups, for you to be able to build your business through social media, community, value, and nurturing. If you’re sitting here going, “I don’t know who to sell to.” You have a […]
Stop Selling and Start Influencing!
Have you ever heard the phrase, “When you stop selling and start serving, you actually sell MORE?” Well, it’s true! You need to learn to put value first in your business to find your ideal avatar and people to help. When you understand this principle and really get it down, you will see such a […]
Posturing Up in Your Prospecting
I don’t know about you, but when I talk to network marketers, entrepreneurs, those in direct sales, and even coaches, they want more clients, customers, and team members. So when I decided to make the shift in my own business, it all came down to my posture. Posture is how you hold yourself and how […]
Build Out Your Instagram Strategy to Crush Online Sales
Most people think that Instagram is just a place to post some pictures. That is totally not it. I would say 20% of our revenue comes from Instagram. It’s not a big part of it. But if we did almost 2.7 million last year, what’s a fifth of that? It’s multiple six figures, probably half […]
The 5 Step Strategy to Building Your Online Presence
Learning how to present yourself on social media is the strongest thing you can do as an online business owner. So let’s touch on the key points to building your online presence, which includes developing a personal brand, showing up daily on social media, and getting really good at talking to your prospects. When you […]
What To Do if a Conversation Goes Silent
We’ve all had that casual conversation with a prospect – the one where all of a sudden, CRICKETS. It happens, and it’s okay! You’re probably still practicing spammy tactics. I’m here to help you steer the conversation back on track. So you’re thinking to yourself, “I messaged this person, I’m doing the reach outs, I’m […]
How to Find Your Ideal Clients and Recruit Rockstars
How many of you want to master recruiting this year? If you’re in sales or do coaching, you recruit your clients. Don’t be afraid! This is something that you can master. I was somebody that was not good at it. But, I have mastered it over the years, and I’m going to teach you how […]
Secret Strategy for Recruiting More People
Do you find it weird to bring up what you do for a living? Do you get stuck not knowing when is the right time to mention it? Let’s discuss my secret strategy on how to talk about what you do in an authentic and genuine way. This strategy for recruiting more people can work […]