We talk about how important your avatar is all the time, but I want to dig even deeper into that. I want you to decipher what your avatar’s specific issues are, and then how we can solve those. Let me teach you how to create content and describe yourself on social media in a way that makes people clear on exactly what you have to offer!
I want to focus on three specific steps. This way, you can get clear on who you are or who you’re serving and how you’re going to show up. For Facebook or Instagram, there’s a spot for a bio. This is where you would summarize what you do and who you serve and how you help them. So let me give you the three-step strategy.
Determine who you serve.
Who’s your ideal avatar? Now the one thing that I’ve noticed people do is they will focus on the people who need their products. Stop that now! I want you to actually pretend you don’t sell anything. You know, it’s really counterintuitive, but I want you to imagine that you are paid to come on social media because you legit love it. You want to serve and create a community to pay it forward. So who are those people you want to invest in? It might be moms who are raising kiddos at home, empty nesters who are heading into retirement, or people who are overwhelmed with their busy lives.
You have to be specific. You don’t want to say people or even say men and women. That’s just way too broad, in my opinion. We want to find that sweet spot if you have enough people to talk to, but you’re also clear enough that people go “ME.” So that’s what I want you to focus on.
Find the pain point.
If you are going to take them to an offer, to a sale, or to become a client, there has to be some kind of solution there, or they’re not going to invest and spend money with you. I like to use the example of when I first had Addison. She is my firstborn, and I had no clue what I was doing. She would never sleep! I was losing my mind when I stumbled upon a sleep training expert, so I spent money to get her sleep training PDF minicourse – I had a huge pain point. You’re not necessarily going to be thinking about writing it in a way that you’re talking about your product. You want to write it in a way that you’re talking about some of those elements to their issues.
The solution!
I like to call it the promise. Paint a picture for the people. We don’t necessarily want to focus on the issue they’re having. We want to focus on the solution because that’s what people want. They want an answer. They will invest money to work with you, buy your products, become a customer, a client, or join your team if they think you have a solution to their problems. So it is all in the promise.
The promise is the vision.
You need to cast the vision for them. This can be hard for some of you because you get in your head and tend to get kind of analytical with it. You might think, “How can I paint a vision if I don’t have success yet?” Anybody can paint a vision. I am launching something this year that we have never done before. I have been able to bring people to tears when I describe what we’re going to create. It’s not real. It’s not in existence yet. I don’t even know what it’s going to end up looking like. But when I cast that vision, I paint the picture of what I see it being. People want to come along and be a part of that. You can do the same thing.
If you get clear on how you can help somebody and make their life better, they’re going to be drawn to you like a magnet. That’s what attraction marketing is. When you go through these steps, your ideal avatar will be attracted to you, just like what you see with me, my brand, and the community we’ve created.
Go find your avatar, Goal Diggers!
If you want to check out this blog in video format, watch my latest #getLIT training!

Want to learn more about how you can attract your ideal avatar? You can through the Attraction Marketing Workshop!
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