Today’s blog is all about the ULTIMATE formula to plan your Facebook group content. This is something people really struggle with, and they end up not posting anything. Then their Facebook group is dead. We don’t want that to happen to you!
I’m going to share with you what I’ve done to create engagement, blow up my groups, and grow them to almost 50,000 members.
When I’m working with students in our programs, one of the things I’ve noticed is that they don’t understand the difference between their personal profiles and their Facebook groups. And then they say, “Well, I don’t know what to post in my Facebook groups. So, I’m not posting anything and there’s no engagement.” People always ask me how I’ve been able to grow our reach to over a million per month on social media, build 17 streams of income, and make multi seven figures per year.
I did it with a Facebook group.
You need to nurture those leads. They are the first people who are going to want to buy what you’re selling.
So, what do you post in your Facebook group then?
Your Personal Facebook Profile
Let’s start with your personal profile. You want to follow the method we use, which is our personal branding buckets. There are five branding buckets. Every day you pull out from a bucket, and you rotate through the content. And then you just start back over when you’re finished. You start to develop consistency of five core things that people identify you with. You want to share personal stuff, selfies, your family, motivational quotes, and inspirational content. Then you want to work in your industry and business opportunities. But remember, these are your personal branding buckets for your personal profile, not your Facebook group. Whatever the Facebook group is themed around, that is what the content should be geared toward.
Plan Your Content in Advance and Provide Value
If you go into my groups, my two biggest ones are Goal Digging Boss Babes and Gold Digger Creatives. We’re coming up on 50,000 members between the two groups. You can go look and see what this looks like. I’m still showing myself there. You’re seeing selfies of me with a quote, or me asking a question – it’s still branded to Kimberly Olson. But the difference is, there’s actually a structure that we follow inside of the Facebook group for our winning formula. We plan out content and post in advance. It’s so nice because we can figure out what we’re going to do, schedule it, and walk away.
What freedom would that give you if you were able to do that?
You want to come up with a theme for each day of the week. Start with five days a week if that is all you can commit to. One day can be a quick tip, another can be welcoming members, then a more detailed educational post, etc. You’ll want to go live every week in your Facebook group, offering value, not selling. You can of course plug your products or business here and there, but it’s not sales training. It’s value based. People don’t come to Facebook to get sold to. And they especially don’t come to a Facebook group to buy your stuff. Put all those VIP customers on a text blast or email list, and call it a day. Make your Facebook group value based, because when you post in your Facebook group, it shows up in their newsfeed. If they scroll past your posts too many times, then Facebook turns off notifications completely.
Think about how many groups you’re in right now. You must see all of their content. Have you ever had a moment where you’re like, what happened to that group? Is that still around? I haven’t seen any of their stuff. It’s because you swiped too many times. You ignored and ignored, and Facebook came to the conclusion that you don’t want to see that content anymore. Don’t let that be the case! You have to make your posts good. People need to want to see them.
When you set up your Facebook group, make sure you create those three entry questions. The first one should be, “When it comes to ______, what do you need the most help with?” Or something similar, based on your business. Ask a question, and then you can start to build out some intel and use it to create future content.
Create an Automated System
I actually have a Facebook group planner I put together for you. It will take you to Trello. Trello is epic! You’ll need to make a copy of the board. There’s a tutorial so you can see how to use it and make it work for you.
Once you get that set up, I challenge you to plan out all of your content for one week. The cool thing is with Facebook groups, you don’t even need software to do this, you can schedule posts right within Facebook. You can plan your posts on the Trello board, and then schedule them to drop whenever you want. And then it’s done! You now have an automated system.
Let’s do this, Goal Diggers!
If you want to check out this blog in video format, watch my latest #getLIT training!

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