In today’s blog, we are going to talk about one of my favorite topics, success habits of millionaires!
You may have wondered what successful business owners are doing every day, I sure did when I was starting out. I remember when I first got online and was learning about social media, I was mentoring under someone who was ahead of me and making multiple six figures in her business. I remember thinking, if she would just tell me what she does every day. Can you relate? You might think, “I need someone to pull back the curtain.”
So, we’re going to talk about the millionaire, and what they do every day. We will cover the top success habits of millionaires – keep reading to up your money-making game!
First things first, you need to define where your time is going. I want you to break down your schedule and start tracking your time. You’re more than likely spending time on activities that don’t bring in revenue. Entrepreneurs are not making the money that they should be making. And they’re stuck in this trap. So, it’s time to get out! It’s time to be done. It’s time to call yourself on it.
I also turn off all notifications. The only notifications on my phone are text messages in case something comes from the school or my husband. And that is it. No distractions.
Have I gotten your attention? Would you like to know how millionaires run their day?
I can tell you right now as a multi-millionaire myself, but also as someone who has very good friends that are millionaires, I know how they’re running their day. They are VERY efficient. So, this is what I do, and what other successful people do.
Millionaires reprogram their subconscious minds.
What this means is, they get what they think about most of the time, a.k.a. manifestation. Despite my circumstances in life, I chose to reprogram my subconscious mind. When I made that decision, and worked on myself to really manage my mind, my outer world changed. You NEED to conquer your mindset for business breakthroughs.
A millionaire’s day is very scheduled.
Millionaires are planners. And when I say scheduled, I mean, it is difficult to get on our schedule and we don’t let people just randomly get on our schedule. We don’t let people take up our time that aren’t serving us or filling up our cups. OR we’re helping them. It’s reciprocal. You know me, I love donating! I love giving my time. I love helping others, but I’m choosing to do these things. You have to guard your time like a bulldog. You have to value yourself and your time. If you don’t, people will walk all over you. Put boundaries in place.
Millionaires put out consistent value driven content.
Those that are having success on social media are CONSISTENT. They show up every day, they show up every week, they’re in their groups, they’re in their stories. They’re at the top of the newsfeed for a lot of you. What happens when you stop, go, stop, go is you lose the spot in the newsfeed. You lose eyes on you, people following you, and people following your content. And people are like, “Oh followers, it’s a vanity metric.” No, it’s not – the more followers I get, the more money I make. You just have to be very dialed in on who your followers should be. My avatar is following me, and I’ve built that by design. You just have to learn about them! Are you serving your audience? What are their needs? Are you offering a solution? That’s all it is. It’s so simple.
Millionaires truly connect with others.
They look for ways to mentor others. Last year, I recruited over a hundred people. And that is my biggest recruitment. I looked to see what the commonalities were amongst the people who enrolled. I looked to see how each person had come into my world and what that looked like. All of them, every single one that I had enrolled, I had offered value to. I gave them advice and coaching. And you know what happened when they were ready to either move to a different company or add in another brand? They reached out to me and said, “Hey, can you tell me more about being on your team?” I enjoyed working with people who wanted to work with me a lot more. It just changes the whole dynamic. That’s absolutely how you will make more money this coming year, when you stop trying to sell, and you serve more.
Millionaires make decisions very quickly.
Ask my team, I make decisions very quickly. You know how I’m able to do that? I’m not afraid to fail. I’ve messed up so many times, I can’t even tell you. We make decisions very quickly knowing we’re going to fail. But we’re moving forward. How many of you have thought about pursuing a dream or idea of yours? How long have you been thinking about that? As soon as I think of them, I ask myself, “When can I launch that? How quickly?” I guarantee there’s going to be something missed at first, especially if it is big. But you know what? I launch it, because if I wait until it’s perfect, it will take too long. When you sit there and think about all the things, you get into paralysis analysis, a space where doubt comes in. So, you have the thought, and you go into implementation. I’m further ahead of others because I TAKE ACTION. If a big decision comes up for you, have faith and trust that the net will appear. It always does, every time.
Let’s get to work and start implementing these top success habits of millionaires, Goal Diggers!
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