Getting views on your Facebook Live videos means more people engaging with your content, more exposure, and more sales for your business! Keep reading if you want the inside scoop on how to get your Live video views into the thousands.
Take Advantage of Free Tools & Applications
Using tools such as StreamYard is helpful for making your followers aware when you are going live. Once in the app, create a broadcast. StreamYard will allow you to schedule your Live for a designated time. Once you schedule the stream, your followers can choose to get reminders when you are going Live. It also allows you to go Live and stream on various different applications all at the same time. Talk about leveraging your content!
Create your broadcast and select all groups that you’d like to share the video in. Give the broadcast a title with details on the topic you’re covering. Provide a description and be sure to check the box titled, “add comment instructions to my post.” Then, schedule it by selecting the date and time. Add a thumbnail that gives details about the topic you’re covering. Create a cute thumbnail by taking advantage of design services like PicMonkey or Canva.
Once it has been scheduled, click to view on Facebook. This will provide a preview on Facebook and allows your followers to be reminded of when the Live is happening.
Next, you want to enter the broadcast studio. Add a background photo, captions, or whatever additional asset you want to show up when you create your Facebook Live videos.
Promote, Promote, Promote!
Promote the Live video in your stories, provide sneak peeks, and share animations. Create a curiosity post related to the topic and encourage users to engage so you can create more excitement around your video. Then, add the link to your scheduled Live video in the curiosity post comments to tell your followers you’ll be sharing insights on that exact topic!
Commitment is Everything
To truly build an audience and get your followers committed, you have to stick to the same time and schedule for marketing your Live videos. This is why branding your Live videos and content is so important for attracting more users to watch your video. Be sure to email your lists and make them aware that you are going Live that day.
By taking advantage of this program, you will be able to create a strategy and plan for each of your videos without any obstacles getting in your way! This will help you get more views which in turn, leads to growing your team and your brand. Go out there and get recording, boss babe!
To see how I take advantage of StreamYard and crush it in my business, watch my latest video!
Do you know everything that is needed before, during, and after recording a Facebook Live Video?! Check out my Facebook Lives Workshop to get exclusive insights and details into recording killer Live Videos on your social channels!

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