Whenever you go to any training on branding, online marketing, or finding your ideal avatar, the very first thing you’re told is to niche down. You have to figure out your niche to provide value and impact people daily. If you’re talking to the masses, you’re talking to no one because you cannot relate. But is that actually true? Let’s dig into that more.
Finding Your Niche
I was in a discussion with someone who took a niching down training, and one of the experts said you really have to pick one thing to focus on for Reels or whatever you’re doing on your main platform. If you really want to stand out, you have to focus on one thing and get micro with it. I love micro-content, but when it comes to niching down, I think there’s a huge misnomer around this. I suspect people are stuck on their avatar, who they are going to serve, and how they will serve them. We get so worked up about picking the right niche because we wonder how we will monetize that. As creatives and entrepreneurs, we want to do all the things. But that is not possible. So I want to introduce where to draw the line and how focused you need to get.
When you hear that you need to niche down, you first need to have a general idea. If we look at my niche, I teach people how to build businesses on social media. I am able to work with people who have a brick-and-mortar business or others who are fully online, but my expertise is in social media. Online marketing is such a vast thing, I am able to touch so many people. Niching down doesn’t mean getting so specific that you’re thinking of one person. Let’s say you work with lactating moms and help them during their postpartum depression. That narrows it down to probably 5 people on your whole list. I have found that my students get stuck because they feel like they’re in a box and will make the wrong decisions.
Don’t Get Too Specific
Let’s open that up a little bit. That might be your ideal avatar and who you want to work with. That was the turning point for me because when I was nursing and going through my postpartum depression – it would have helped to have someone come in and guide me. But you have to broaden it a little bit. Maybe you could work with moms post-baby who need some support when it comes to mental wellness. Now you have more people on your list. All we did was broaden the scope, but it is still specific.
This is the specific area where we want to work, but not so specific that we’re putting ourselves in this tiny box. I want you to start thinking about who you want to work with. When you have them in your mind, ask yourself, how many people are in your audience, or could you build it to be monetized? Cast the net really wide, then as time goes on, you’re going to refine.
When I first started in my business, my niche wasn’t so narrowed down. I know I wanted to help people with social media. I took that general idea and went from there. As I worked it down, I found that I work with women who tend to want to get stuff done. They’re very busy and want things bite-sized. I can teach the hip trends quickly for them to be able to jump into implementing them. Having such a wide net during that discovery process, you will find that audience you are looking for and their pain points.
Pick a Secondary Niche
Once you figure out your niche, it is also important to have a secondary niche, especially if you’re in network marketing, direct sales, or have another stream of income. I’ve got my main niche where my ideal avatar lives. This is the space you are in and about 80% of what you do. But leave that other 20% for another passion. You can work with your current content by following the 80/20 rule. So, for example, in every fifth post or reel, sprinkle in that second niche.
Make sure to stay focused on your main niche. You don’t want to be pulled between two things and split your attention completely. You really need to go all-in with ONE of these.
Go find your niche, Goal Diggers!
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