Have you ever heard the saying: “the fortune is in the follow-up?” This saying couldn’t be more accurate when it comes to business success and customer relations.
Hearing “not right now” is not a final ‘no.’ It is exactly what it sounds like – they’re not ready yet.
Here are some tips to help you stay in touch with your prospects so you can make more money, keep them coming back, and build long-lasting relationships that benefit everyone involved.
Take a Breath & Reach Out
A great way that I’ve found to start a dead conversation is this: “I thought of you and wanted to reach out because …” or “I wanted to reach out because I thought of you when … ” This gets you back in front of the prospect and helps you to tie in with a need and then offer a solution that you have to help.
This shows your prospect that you are considerate and caring. You care about her needs; you remember her concerns and you’re actively trying to reach out and help! Not only are you building trust with them, but you are also staying on top of their minds, so they pay you more attention.
Timing is Everything
If you’re not top of mind and you’re not staying in front of your prospect and you’re just constantly looking for new people to get in front of, then you’re leaving money on the table! It could also lead to burnout.
It’s better for everyone to build REAL relationships, and solid connections with people so that they know you care! This is how to effectively serve your prospects, customers, and community.
Action Steps
Now that we’ve talked about the best way to follow up, I want you to think of a resource that you can offer. It could be a freebie you created, a video with helpful info, a blog that really stuck with you, etc. Then, you’ll want to reach back out to 5 people that you’ve connected with before and share your resource.
“Hey NAME, I thought of you because (add a reason that you thought of them). I found this amazing resource … (share resources) that made me think of you!”
Stay top of mind! Find a way to get back into conversation with them.
If you’ve been in the online world for a while and need more advanced trainings to monetize your personal brand and build your audience in order to launch a service, then I want to invite you to check out Goal Digger Creatives on Facebook!