Do you know what your purpose is when you show up on social media? If you don’t have a purpose that comes to mind, let’s talk. As an entrepreneur and business builder, we want our sales to grow and come from online. But, how do we get to a point where we’re making consistent money? You need to learn the correct way to show up online. I’m going to share with you the exact strategy I use every single day that grew my business from nothing to multiple seven figures.
Think about how you currently show up on social media: Do you repurpose your uplines content? Are you so product-driven that you don’t offer value? Instead of showing up online with no purpose, THIS is what you should do every. single. day.: Serve. Mentor. Offer value. Make it to the DM. How are you going to do this? By making sure that your content is useful, engaging, exciting, and informational. Once you’ve learned how to offer value through your content, you can uncover your audience’s pain points by taking it to the DM.
When we uncover pain points, we’re going to be able to pre-qualify our leads, turn them into qualified prospects, and decide if they’re the right fit for what we’re offering. Too many times when I work with students, I see them trying to pitch to everyone. Cold messaging does not work. For example, I had someone message me about their product saying, “If you buy a bottle of wine with us today, a portion of your purchase will go to charity and you will receive credit for another product of your choosing.” If they would’ve uncovered my pain points then she would’ve known that I’m celebrating four years of sobriety. We can’t treat everybody like a number, we have to slow down. You should not be pitching or sending a link until you’ve done all of the tasks beforehand.
So, what does this look like with practical application? Every day when you post content, think to yourself: How can I make my avatar’s lives better? Learn how to teach them something, entertain, motivate, and serve. After you learn to post valuable content, people will engage. That’s your opportunity to hop in a DM conversation. Discuss if their long-term goal is to replace their income or just have a side hustle. Don’t get in their face, make sure you see them as a person and put yourself in their shoes. Ask questions to see what they want to accomplish. And please…DON’T LINK DROP.
What you want to do every single day is grab connections from all over social media, show up intentionally, and get really clear on what your focus is on social. If you’re doing all of these things, you should have new leads every single day. If you don’t have new leads every day, then you’re fake working and you need to get focused. Remember…it’s always quality over quantity.
Check out my latest #getLIT training that covers how to implement these entrepreneurial principles!
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