In today’s blog, we’re going to talk about generating epic leads with killer curiosity posts. So, how do you generate epic leads with your curiosity post? I know y’all are trying to do them, they’re falling flat, and you’re saying, “SOS, help a sister out!” Right? It did take me some time to get this down, and now I am an expert at it.
Where are you when it comes to curiosity posts?
On a scale from 1 to 10, one being you’re not doing them or don’t understand them, and a 10 being you’ve got it, where are you when it comes to curiosity posts? Wherever you are on the scale, we want to teach you how to attract people, or better your process. The thing that people don’t understand is that for leads to get into your sales funnel, you want to think about how to get them to raise their hands and say they want something. In traditional marketing, we have a lead magnet. You will give me your email to get the lead magnet. Right? Well, a lot of you don’t have lead magnets out there. So, how do you get people raising their hands about your product, your business opportunity, or whatever it is you got going on? It’s with a curiosity post.
For 2022, posting and praying is absolutely not going to work. Maybe it’s worked for you so far, but it is absolutely not going to continue to work. If you get really good at this, you can turn on the faucet and get new leads whenever you want.
Address pain points.
First, you need to make a list of pain points. Your curiosity post is going to be built around the pain point. What is the pain point? This can be that they’re exhausted, overweight, don’t know what jewelry to wear, etc. Present the problem, and then list out the solutions.
Stop the scroll.
You’re going to want to stop their scroll with a good selfie, a selfie with an expression or something to catch their attention. You also want to have a hook. A hook is something that immediately generates interest and leaves them wanting to know more. It’s like hinting at the solution without saying what it is. So this will take some crafting and getting used to this. Then you close it out with a CTA. A CTA is a call to action to comment, click a link, watch a story, etc. I’m calling you to take action, which is what every single curiosity post absolutely needs.
I want you to understand whatever your goals are. You can crush them. And when you believe it, you will do it. So here’s your curiosity post schedule:
Week One: Direct Product Curiosity
This curiosity post is where you’re talking about something. You don’t have to be holding it, but post a selfie and tease the product or solution so people know you’re talking about something.
Week Two: Direct Business Post
This is where you talk about rank advancement. It doesn’t have to be someone on your team. It can be a sideline or upline in your company. Just something awesome, something people would want or be excited about.
Week Three: Indirect Product Post
An indirect post is where you’re not referencing a product. For example, “Who else is struggling with the afternoon energy crash?” Just a question. It’s a little vague, but you’re casting your net wider. You’re going to get more responses, but then you can engage with all of those people and see who you can convert. Sometimes you might just want to invite them to your community. If they don’t want to go ahead and order, that’s okay. Get them in your community and nurture them.
Week Four: Indirect Business Post
An indirect business post is, for example, “What are your 2022 financial goals?” or, “If you had a magic wand in your business, what would you do?” That’s indirect! You will be able to respond and share your answer, which will get people engaging with you. This is where you shift from being spammy and grasping, to real connection.
If it’s still not happening for you after following this schedule, that’s because you don’t have enough friends on your friends list. You need to be more proactive. You should be requesting at least 20 people per day. Do you want to build a business, or do you want to sit there and think about it? The time is now! We literally have a couple of weeks until 2022. Shed the old habit, shed the procrastination, shed the limiting beliefs. Be on social media every single day reaching out to people and making connections.
You’re building an empire. If you want to build an empire, that means you show up like a boss. Go after your dreams unapologetically and be the girl who’s building the empire. Are you with me?
Let’s do this, Goal Diggers!
If you want to check out this blog in video format, watch my latest #getLIT training!

Learn more about selfies and posting on stories through Goal Digger University’s, Selfies & Stories Workshop.
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