I know that there’s many of you out there who are handling your work-life balance wonderfully…and I know some of you are not. I’m excited to introduce one of my dearest friends, Kathy Caviness, who is an entrepreneur, a mom to 4, and a hardworking wife among many other amazing attributes. She is going to share her experience in joining the network marketing industry and how that journey allowed her to live a life that she always wanted. Let’s dive in!
Kathy is almost 10 years into her entrepreneurial journey and has achieved massive success in both companies she’s been a part of. It wasn’t always like that, however. When her 4 kids started getting into travel sports and extracurricular activities, she realized their current family income wasn’t going to support that lifestyle. So, she went back to her cubicle job wishing every day that she could be home with her kiddos and worrying about the chores that weren’t getting done with her husband working all the time and her being at her desk job. Kathy says, “If anyone knows me, they know I don’t want to miss one moment of my kids’ lives, I want to be anywhere and everywhere I can be with them.” This inspired her to chat with a friend who was in network marketing and diving right in.
K.O.: What was your start like in network marketing? Did you have a strong start?
K.C.: I was so excited about my new job and journey that I was in everybody’s faces about it. I, basically, did all of the things that you teach us not to do. After a few months of terrible marketing strategies, people were running away from me and definitely didn’t want to hear about my products anywhere. I burned through my warm market very quickly and I became a product of my company. I really lost myself.
K.O.” Once you realized your tactics weren’t working, how did you pivot to show up more authentically?
K.C.: I really focused on my ‘branding buckets’ and what made me ME. My ‘mom bucket’ was all inclusive of the things I loved about being a mom whereas my ‘entrepreneur bucket’ was all of my favorite things about being an entrepreneur. And I really wanted to connect with like-minded people who shared the same passions. I was having so much fun on social media because it was fun just connecting with a bunch of other moms in my position. Then, I found you (Kimberly) and I loved how real, raw, and authentic you showed up online. So, I started taking your trainings and understood that this was how our industry was changing. I was understanding that anything you can do to show up as yourself will attract the right people.
K.O.: How did you make the transition to building a team?
K.C.: That was a really big change for me, but, like I said, when you show up authentically so much more people are engaged. I wanted to make connections with people, not just spring my business opportunity on them, because that wasn’t going to work. Getting to the top of my company wasn’t about reaching numbers, it was about having fun and finding others who wanted to connect and have conversations with me.
K.O. People want to be a part of something. You do a great job of involving and engaging people. So many times people make the mistake of trying to close people immediately – but that shouldn’t be your focus. So where can we find you on social media, Kathy?
K.C.: You can find me on Facebook – @KathyCaviness – Instagram @Kathy_Caviness – Facebook Group – Messy Bun on the Run
If you want to learn more about Kathy’s journey and her work-life balance techniques, watch my latest #getLIT training!
Do you want more of my productivity secrets to master your work-life balance? Take my Peak Productivity Course!

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