Let’s talk about the years old question: How do I determine my niche and understand my ideal avatar? This is absolutely essential to getting your online business off the ground and achieving all of your goals. Without a clear understanding of your niche and your ideal avatar, you will not be able to move forward successfully when it comes to content creation, the value you’re offering, creating your Facebook groups, and all other aspects of your business. So, if you’re feeling stuck in your business right now, this is probably why and I’m here to help you out!
A lot of my students get stuck when it comes to defining and identifying who their ideal avatar is because they don’t understand what their niche is. I know it sounds confusing…but let me give you some defining factors. Your niche is NOT going to be your product, it’s supposed to be a broader concept that will allow you space to serve. An example: If you sell health and wellness products, your “niche” will be offering value to those who want to live their healthiest life, or maybe people who are super active in participating in marathons. Now…I say your niche is not your product because you don’t want people to associate you with a company/product or they will always feel like they’re being sold to. Your niche is a way to get more clarity and focus to connect with your ideal avatar. If you get clearer on your niche, you will attract more of your ideal avatars.
To figure out your niche, back out of the product headspace and think bigger. Ask yourself: How can I broaden my horizons to express myself online that attracts people where my products/service is the solution? If your niche is NOT your product, you have a niche. 😉 It gets easier to understand, I promise!
Now let’s figure out your ideal avatar. This is where you can get a little creative. Your ideal avatar is the typical type of person that you would want to work with. To really understand how to craft your messaging and figure out your ideal avatar, ask yourself questions like: What is my ideal avatar like? What does she do on the weekends? What’s her personality? What are her struggles? What does she want to see differently in her life? YOU should be the answer to that last question. My biggest recommendation when coming up with your ideal avatar is to start with someone like yourself. Why did you start using these products? Then, how did you get into your business?
There’s no wrong or right way to do this. It’s your avatar, so come up with the ideal type of person that you would want to work with and craft your content for them! Also, keep in mind that you can most definitely have a secondary avatar or a sub avatar, but they should not be your main focal point.
To gain better clarity on how to understand your niche and ideal avatar, watch my latest #getLIT training!
If you want to get more clarity on your avatar and get your business on track, visit Goal Digger University for tons of courses, trainings, and webinars all for you!

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