Creating content that is inviting to potential leads is hard. Most stories are disjointed and not set up for selling. I am here to make your life easier and give you all my tips and tricks on how to increase those sales! Are you ready to learn how to stop posting and start selling in your Instagram stories? Let’s get into it!
There are too many times when I happen to stumble upon someone’s stories, and I am always surprised by the fact that their stories are not set up for selling. When you think about social media and the ability to attract leads, it’s all about how you are doing it. People come to me all the time and tell me how they are trying, but the leads are not coming in, and they don’t know what they are doing wrong. You have to get smarter with your marketing and learn how to actually sell through your stories. I know people who are doing 50,000 a month in volume as a team with just stories.
Did that get your attention?
We’ve done hundreds of thousands of dollars in business just through our own stories. I’ve had people who’ve joined the academy and paid in full for it, all because someone did a shoutout in our stories. I’m getting sales every day from my stories. When you are creating your stories, you need to have a marketer’s mindset. What is the intention of stories? The intention of the stories is the behind-the-scenes look. We have our very polished profiles with gorgeous pictures and in-depth video content, but your stories can show what is going on in your world beyond your feed.
You have to tell a story…in your stories.
Start thinking about your daily routine and how you can bring your viewers and followers into your day. I’ll share an example with you. I love using my selfie stick. When I am in my office working and want to let my followers in on my day, I don’t want to just video myself straight on, just me standing there. I want to show my setup. So I’ll take my selfie stick and walk around to show them behind the scenes. I am not just talking and describing my office. I am able to bring all of my followers into my world. That’s what you want people to feel like when they’re in stories with you.
When it comes to selling in stories, telling an actual story will get people to trust you. They don’t remember what you say, but they remember how you made them feel. So how can you do that? That is the challenge. Put your head down and figure this out. Be coachable, be hungry. Be driven to figure out how to become a marketer. If you want to build your business on social media, you have to learn these principles, and you CAN. Everyone here can learn. I didn’t know what the heck I was doing, and I figured it out.
Create multiple stories.
For some of the things you want to remember, you need multiple story sequences. You guys have heard me talk about this before, but are you doing it? Use a video in your story to create more sequences. A video story is where you hold up your phone on video. I like to use Snapchat because I like the filters. You can even use the video feature in Instagram stories.
You’re going to talk about something, and it’s going to be at least 15-60 seconds. When you split the video into multiple clips, boom! You got your multiple stories!
We’re trying to get people to engage with you and keep them viewing your stories. We don’t want them to pop off. Once you get into the hang of doing one story a day, start adding more! Share a screenshot of a devotional you read that day, a recent podcast, or some words of encouragement. Maybe on another slide, add a quiz asking your audience what they thought of the previous.
You are probably thinking, what does any of this have to do with selling? Mark my words, those of you who get what I’m saying, you will crush it.
It is not about selling.
It’s about telling a story. If you want to share your opportunity or coaching, tell your story. Why did you get into it? Share that text from your happy client and how you changed their life. Ask your audience questions. You’re going to find out what’s going on with them. Engaging with your audience not only helps you learn about them, but also keeps you top of mind.
The cool thing is, when people interact with your stories, that goes right into your inbox. So if they react, reply, share, vote on your poll, all of that stuff, you get the Intel on it. This is money on the table y’all!
Go be awesome in your stories, Goal Diggers!
If you want to check out this blog in video format, watch my latest #getLIT training!

Want to learn more about leveling up your stories game? You can through the Selfies & Stories Workshop!
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