Many of us are using our social media channels to build an online presence and connect with our avatar – that’s why it’s so important to remember to purge your Facebook friends list.
As an entrepreneur and network marketer, our Facebook friends are people investing in our brand and our business. Purging your friends list does not mean you are severing ties, but it is necessary to keep your audience active. By proactively purging your friends, you are consistently building a renewed online audience. We want to make sure that we are auditing our Facebook profile to see what needs improvement and targeting our avatar through our accounts.
My hack to identifying those who are inactive on my Facebook is through Paladino Marketing.
Paladino Marketing will automatically search your friends list and pull names of those who have been inactive for 6 months or more. Once you get this list, you can do an audit of those who you may want to keep – such as friends and family – and then remove the others.
I suggest purging your Facebook friends list every 6 months – once a year is good too – to keep your audience active and to make sure you have qualified people on your Facebook friends list.
The other suggestion I would give is to send out 20 friends requests per day. This will renew your audience weekly and help you stay consistent with leads. Don’t overdo it, though, because you could risk putting your account in Facebook jail!
The more you renew your friends list, the easier it will be to generate leads and make meaningful connections!
Check out the Friend Scrubber Tool mentioned in this blog post!
Watch me in action on my #getLIT trainings to see how I use these tips and tricks to crush my business and generate successful leads!
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