In this blog post, I’m going to teach you a couple of different strategies I’ve used to go from not recruiting at all to recruiting in double digits every month. If you’re not recruiting at all, this will help you understand the power of social media, how to leverage your audience, and how to establish yourself as an authority figure and expert in your industry.
Humans Are Not Natural Recruiters
If you’re struggling and wondering why you can’t get business builders onto your team, just know, there’s nothing wrong with you. Humans are not natural recruiters.
My first year in the network marketing industry, I was very low on enrollment. And by very low, I mean not recruiting anyone. Four and a half years later, I’ve recruited over 300 people to me and have been recruiting in double digits every month.
Don’t be discouraged if you feel unprepared or haven’t been recruiting up to this point. Get excited because these are skills that you can LEARN.
3 Strategies to Recruiting in Double Digits
Alright. I’m going to give you three top notch strategies that have helped me build my online business in a genuine and authentic way.
1. Do not cold message / spam.
Although this is a strategy that some network marketing companies teach to their downlines, this is not something I align with or practice in my own business. I build my business is a way that energetically feels good to me. Look for ways to add value into people’s lives.
When I came onto social media, I didn’t have an audience at all – not even an Instagram. No Instagram = no followers. So, I started friending people that were my ideal avatar and messaging them to get a conversation going. If they’re not into the conversation, let it be. We don’t chase people.
2. Learn to mentor.
If you’re thinking to yourself, “I don’t know how to mentor!”, stop thinking that. Do you have kids? Friends? Family? A spouse? You mentor them! Mentorship is where we guide someone on their journey in some way.
If you take nothing away from what I am sharing today, take this away: every person who reacted, commented, or shared my content, I would respond to them in the comments and then I would direct message them thanking them for watching my Live or interacting with my content. And ask them, “What did you like most about the content?” Discover what their pain points are through authentic conversation.
You can do this. It takes discipline but it’s not impossible. Figure out what your teaching topic is, remain consistent, and go Live on Facebook every week.
3. Let everyone know what you do.
Your job should be in your bio on every social media platform. If you’re a coach, a small business owner, or a network marketer then you need to share that with people so they know who to come to when they have questions.
Lastly, when you’re messaging with someone in the DMs, show up with confidence! You need to believe in yourself for them to believe in you.
You can do this.
I am living proof that you can go from having nothing to growing your business more than you could ever imagine. You need to learn the steps, implement them in your biz, and remain consistent. Those are my three biggest takeaways.
Go crush it, Goal Digger!
If you’d like to hear me speak more on this topic, check out my latest #getLIT training!

Related Topic: Posture Up and Prospect Like A Pro
Don’t forget to send this to a friend in your industry!