It’s time to set your next 90 days on fire! The 90 Day Goal Crusher will help you set your goals and stay on top of them. Most people set goals and then walk away, hoping they are going to reach their goals. But that doesn’t happen. So I am going to share with you all the amazing things about the 90 Day Goal Crusher!
A little background about this amazing tool that we’ve put together for you was an idea from Steph Dakin. Steph is our IT director and has served many roles in the last couple of years inside of the Goal Digger headquarters. Back in December, we had a staff meeting, and she mentioned that we needed a 90-day goal crusher to help people reach their goals and get something tangible in their hands. Steph came up with the concept, and one of my best friend’s Christie Dulle, designed it. So shout out to them because they manifested it, and now it’s reality! We are always bringing you awesome tools and apps to make you succeed in your business.
When getting into the Goal Crusher, you’ll start with the goal-crushing power statement. This is such an important step because if we don’t bring power, energy, motivation, and excitement to our goals, we will not hit them. You’ll be dead in the water before you even start. This is why New Year’s resolutions suck and don’t work. But, if you believe in the Universe and how things work energetically, we actually have a brand new year starting. I know it sounds a little out there, but if any of you feel this pull for a reset, this is why.
This statement can be anything to get you in momentum to start on your goal journey. My crushing power statement is that I am a rock star wife/mom and badass businesswoman. That is telling myself I am a freaking awesome wife and mom who loves my kids. I am claiming that right now and will not let the mom guilt come in and steal my thunder. Your goal-crushing power statement is what you are claiming for yourself, who you are becoming, and who you want to embody.
After you have your statement down, you are then going to brain dump all the goals down. Now over the next 90 days, you’re not going to be able to do everything. But you won’t be able to figure out what you need to do until you do the brain dump. This is the space for millions of ideas, to-do lists, or people who need our attention. You’ll get instant clarity in finding what your next move needs to be. When you sit down to do this, you might not have everything come to you at once. Take the Goal Crusher with you everywhere so that when the ideas pop into your head, you can write them down. That is why we made it a portable size.
Now that you have all your ideas in one place, narrow it down to your top three professional goals and top three personal goals. These are the goals you want to go over in the next 90 days. So many of us want to say all of it, but really that is the big problem. We are so optimistic, which is such a wonderful trait to have, but we have to think in reality, “How much can we actually accomplish in the time we have?” This isn’t to say you’re not going to do all the things, but what you are going to pick for the next 90 days.
This resource is such a great tool to help get everything happening in your brain organized to be made a reality! So that was your little sneak peek. Don’t forget to grab your 90 Day Goal Crusher here.
If you want to learn more about the 90 Day Goal Crusher, check out this blog in video format and watch the latest #getLIT training!

Want help on how to identify exactly what you want in your life? Come learn to put together your goals through the Vision Board Workshop!
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