Learning how to take inspired action in your life is not something everyone knows how to do. In today’s post, I’m going to introduce you to one of my greatest friends, and Goal Digger coach, Chaitali Desai.
She’s going to express how she learned to stop reacting and start being proactive. If you’re looking for some amazing tips on how to get in touch with your spiritual side in both your personal and professional lives, this is the post for you.
Interview with Chaitali Desai
Kimberly Olson (KO): For those that are new to you or aren’t aware of who you are, can you tell us a bit about yourself?
Chaitali Desai (CD): I am a corporate wife, a mom of two, and a certified business coach for The Goal Digger Girl! My main focus for many, many years was always my family because we were moving around a lot. As a corporate family, we were not stationary for very long so it was my duty to make sure everyone was settled when we were overseas or in a new city.
Once my kids got older, I was able to start looking for things to do for myself. I was immediately interested in the online space because no matter where we were, there was always wifi. I was introduced the the network marketing industry and I learned everything I could about the space very quickly. Then, I was introduced to you and I’m loving being a business coach.
KO: Yes! I love watching you shine and use all of your skills with our studnets. It speaks volumes about the impact that you’re making on people. So, when it came to entrepreneurship, did you get involved in network marketing or other endeavors first?
CD: I actually started my own wedding planning and special events business first. Along with the wedding planning, I also offered henna tattoos and hair and makeup services. I wanted to provide a one-stop shop for the Indian community because our wedding ceremonies are very elaborate.
So I started with that as a business because I wanted to do something I loved but also be able to bring my kids along with me. I would bring them with me to events or I would ask my mom to come babysit, but, for the majority of the time, I could do my work from home.
KO: You are seriously a super-mom! Now how long have you been in network marketing and when did you get into coaching?
CD: I’ve been in the network marketing space for just under 2 years and I’ve really always been a coach. I started officially coaching when we met, so I’m maybe about a year in. It was amazing to really understand what my talents were and be able to utilize my skillset when I onboarded with you.
KO: I think it’s amazing that you’re able to combine your practical skills with your spiritual skills. You’re reminding people how to keep a positive mindset by teaching them about emotional health and high energy.
I was so drawn to you because I could feel your energy. I wanted you to be a part of our mission right away. You really embodied the true meaning of mompreneurship.
So let’s dive into your spirituality/self-development skills. When did you start becoming interested in these topics?
CD: I dabbled in it for a long time but when I got pregnant with my first child, it really started to evolve in my mind and I started learning about the different aspects of who we are and as people with energetic factors.
I’m a rather practical person so I was confused on how to incorporate spirituality into my professional life for a long time, but I was determined to figure out how to combine my religious and spiritual practices in a practical way.
I’m very big on inspired action. When I feel a spiritual nudge, it’s very hard for me to ignore it. I think it’s crucial to act on it. So, I don’t think it was ever one specific moment that I got involved with my spirituality, it’s more of like a rolling snowball.
KO: Did you carve out time to learn bout your newfound passion for spirituality or did you just follow your curiosity?
CD: I definitely followed curiosity. I’ve rallied against structure my entire life so I just recently got into routines. I’m now a certified life coach, EFT + NLP practitioner, and becoming human design certified.
KO: Once you learn about these other modalities, you start to realize they’re tools for your toolbox. For you and for other people.
I’m really evolving right now and taking a big step toward spiritual development. So what would you say to the people who want to learn how to have that divine and guided inspiration but don’t know where to start?
CD: I would suggest to really start learning about the Emotional Freedom Techinique. The Emotional Freedom Technique teaches you how to tap through your Meridien points to control your emotions.
This is a relatively new technique that was developed in 1995 as a way to connect science and spirituality. The tapping help release some of the energy that gets stuck in your body. Sometimes we don’t know how to let things go, so it’s helping address the negative feelings you’re having and shift you into doing something about it. That’s where the inspired action come from. I went from being reactive to proactive.
It’s as simple as sitting in silence for 5 minutes and acknowledging how you’re feeling. I was never actually a calm person, I was always reacting to the negative things happening in my life.
KO: This is such great advice. I remember there was a time in my life where I was just getting my business off of the ground and I really needed a knowledgeable VA. I remember sitting in my office and journaling about it for a few minutes and reflecting on the type of person that I needed to come into my life. The next week, I found someone to be my VA and she was perfect! All because I really sat there with my thoughts and figured out who I needed to come into my life, it helped me zero-in on what and who I was looking for.
I struggle with depression and anxiety so one of the tools I’ve used was tapping. It was so helpful to learn how to calm myself down and relieve unnecessary tension.
CD: It really is such a great way to get to know yourself better and become more in tune with your thoughts and emotions.
KO: Chaitali, thank you so much for speaking with me today! Can you let our Goal Diggers know where they can follow you?
CD: Thank you for having me! Sure – my Instagram is @chaitali_b_desai and I’m on Facebook as Chaitali Desai.
Alright, y’all – if you want to check out this amazing interview, watch my latest #getLIT training on YouTube!

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