Since I had my first job selling Cutco Cutlery when I was 18 years old, I’ve been taught more ways to close that I can recall. There are so many strategies on what to say, even down to tone of voice that it can be mind boggling. However, I’d like to share a very simple, yet straightforward closing technique that can ease any tension around the topic and help you get crystal clear on where your prospect stands.
After you’ve presented your business opportunity, simply ask: “On a scale from 1 to 10, 1 being I’m not ready at all to a 10 being I’m in, where are you at?” [Let them pick a number] “Okay, what would it take to get you to a 10?”
Then you would proceed to provide them with whatever they said they needed (ie: the compensation plan, an ingredients list, etc.). If they share something that you can’t control such as a money objection, follow up with, “If money wasn’t an issue, would you be ready to get started?” That way you can determine if it’s a true objection or they’re just not ready yet.
My favorite part about this is it allows for an open and honest dialogue between you and your prospect to see where they fit into getting started and joining your team. If they’re not ready, they’re not. But if they’re close, then all you have to do is help them get to that magic number 10, and you’ve done your job. Give it a try!