How experienced are you with Facebook Lives? If you find it difficult to go Live, I have a formula that is guaranteed to help you build your brand.
The power of Facebook Lives is astronomical. You can quickly blow up your brand and make more money by showing up on your profile. Once you’ve conquered Lives and find your posture within your brand, you’ll be able to continue attracting your avatar.
The first step is to create a catchy, scroll-stopping title. Don’t make it so simple that it won’t provide an insight into what you will be sharing. Tell them what is in it for them! That’s the only way to get their attention! Find a hook to capture the attention of your audience. Be sure to NOT copy other’s titles and make a commitment to figuring it out on your own!
The next step is to come up with a catchy intro. The intro will be your hook. This is how you can verbally grab the attention of your audience and remind them why they clicked on your video. Define who you are and your tag line. Be sure to share your intro at the beginning of your video.
The third step is your background! What is the reason for going Live? Give some deets on why what you are sharing is important, timely, and relevant. Provide a relatable and authentic message on the reason behind spreading your message with others.
The fourth step is to give 3-5 tips. Don’t give just one tip and don’t give twenty. A few strong points to leave with your viewers. If you give too many, it will be difficult for your viewers to retain the most important parts of your message.
The fifth step is a CTA! The call-to-action is so important but can be easy to forget. Leave your audience with an intentional action step for them to take. The CTA should be homework or an idea for your viewer to take a step towards what they learned from your video. It can be a small thing, but by taking action, they will have implemented the value you provided into their life.
Once you have all of these steps in place, you’re ready to go Live! Be sure to prep your notes and details before you get in front of the camera. As you continue making connections with your avatar and understanding how to better connect with them, it will only become easier each time you go Live.
Watch my training on how to grow your brand through the power of Facebook Lives!
Want more tips on becoming a pro at Facebook Lives? Check out my workshop to learn more!

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