Let’s talk about social proofing! Social proofing is sharing success stories and testimonials! This can be KEY when launching your business. You may ask yourself, “What do I do when I don’t have those testimonials or success stories yet?” That’s no problem! Get permission and share success from your team or your upline!
What is exactly social proofing, and why is it important?
Social proofing is basically others seeing confirmation on social media that proves something works. This is why before and afters are always so successful. I know we all roll our eyes when we see them, but they are powerful. They can truly show how a product or service can make something better.
Here’s how to social proof!
The first thing you want to think about is obviously using your own story. So if you are using a product, maybe you’re in direct sales, you make sure you’re promoting your product on your wall. We are not going to spam or be too salesy on our wall. You want to show your success story. Show your audience your experience with the product. I got some stuff from one of our students who sells the stuff to reduce puffy eyes. I saw her before and after on her socials and had to get it. See, that is how easy this is! You can also social proof by sharing successes you’ve had in your business. Share a milestone you’ve hit or the perks of your business. For example, I was just able to pay off our last car note, and that was the last loan we had. I was able to pay off all our debt with what I do from my phone.
Don’t forget about sharing your client’s success stories. What is more credible than testimonials from people you’ve worked with. One of the things that I see that people really struggle with is they don’t have success yet. Share other people’s successes that you know. You can shout out your upline, business partner, or another industry pro. It will give potential clients insight into whether this is something for them and how you can help.
Use your stories.
If you don’t want to blast your feeds with testimonials, graphics, or before and after pictures, one of my favorite things to do is story sequences. Just throw all of these in a cute story graphic, and there you go, all the social proofing without the clutter on your feed. You can do these as frequently as you want to keep up your credibility. Also, think about including video clips of you sharing your experience, testimonials, etc. You have to grab people’s attention and pique their curiosity. A video will help make that connection and drive people where you want them to be.
Social proofing isn’t just about providing credibility but building your brand as a whole. So it should be a part of your strategy. If you’re just posting things to post things, you’re not going to fill up your leads list that way and have people in your funnel. So if you constantly want to find ways to generate new leads and get people raising their hands, you absolutely are going to want to start implementing social proof today.
Let’s start social proofing, Goal Diggers!
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It’s time to learn how to creatively yet effectively implement stories and selfies into your attraction marketing plan and watch the leads just roll in! Learn all the tips and tricks through the Selfies & Stories Workshop!
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