Have you ever heard the saying, “the money is in the list”? Recently I had the chance to sit down with Lindsay Sewell and talk about Email Marketing basics from A to Z. We are very passionate about this topic and would even say it’s our love language.
Why Email Marketing is Important
For those who don’t know, Lindsay is a business and marketing coach and trainer who helps ambitious women business owners to stand out confidently online, create a personal brand, build an email list and turn their business idea or side gig into income faster. Email lists are OWNED property. It is important to have an email list so that you always have a direct connection to your audience and don’t have to worry about losing your audience if something goes wrong with your social accounts.
All About Lindsey
As a former corporate professional, Lindsay started her journey into entrepreneurship in 2016 after the birth of her second daughter. She left her job with the desire to create financial and time freedom so as to not miss any more precious time with her family. After struggling for the first few years in her own online business, Lindsay discovered the power of leveraging Attraction Marketing online and quickly turned her business from a struggle to a success. One of the biggest eye-opening moments was learning all about emails and list building. She knew she had stumbled upon a gold mine!
Your List Is YOUR List
Social media is great but it is also unstable. It is a tool that users do not have any control over. We can’t customize anything on social media beyond our own profiles. Which is why creating a list of your most interested clients, customers, and followers is crucial. You have complete power over that email list and can utilize it to not only interact with the occupants but also keep them in a safe and controlled environment that can not be taken away from you by a social media platform. Your list is YOUR list!
No matter how small your list is, you are able to promote and market affiliate products, network marketing products, and business opportunities to a large group of people by simply writing a 10 minute email. A simple, short and sweet, email has the power to grow your community and create lasting relationships with your audience.
You Have Access to a Warm Audience
The people on your list are people who support, trust, and are bonded to you and your company enough that they want to be a part of another outlet you have for you and your company. Your list gives you the freedom to share things you wouldn’t normally on social media because it might be a little different than your business agenda or your social media content buckets. It also gives you the freedom to share the same thing multiple times without feeling like you’re “annoying” or spamming your audience.
An email list is less invasive while also being more time and attention friendly to your subscribers. Your message can sit in their inbox until they are ready to engage with it, it will not disappear! You will probably even notice that you will make more sales from an email than from a social media post.
People who feel that email marketing is in the past are SO wrong! The purpose of utilizing email marketing is to build sustainable businesses on solid foundations.
Let’s get to writing those emails, Goal Digger!
Listen to how important email marketing is on my Podcast and get started on implementing this tool into your business!

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